Our Vision

North East Churches Acting Together seeks to serve the churches of the North East in enabling all to work better together and to establish partnerships, both church and not, across the region to better serve our communities. The North East region is a diverse region and NECAT covers an area ranging from the Scottish Borders in the North to Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland in the South and from the beautiful North East Coast in the East to the Pennine Hills in the West. It includes large urban areas like Newcastle, Sunderland and Middlesbrough and 100's of small rural and ex mining villages.
As the region is diverse so are our churches and we aim to celebrate our diversity and the gifts that all our churches and congregations bring and look to celebrate their activities.
NECAT is financially supported by our regional denominations, the Anglican Dioceses of Durham and Newcastle, the Methodist Districts of Darlington and Newcastle, The Northern Baptist Assembly, The Northern Synod of the United Reformed Church, The Romain Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle and The Salvation Army. We also receive support from our local Churches Together groups.
We seek to be a resource and a communication tool for all local Christians irrespective of their tradition. The purpose being to help bring God's love to the area, by providing a resource that helps improve communications and connections within the Christian community.
We aim to:
Help create unity within the Christian community
Provide Christians with a platform to share their God given visions for the area
Provide inspiration and information for those seeking to learn more about Christianity
Provide a communication tool to share Christian activity across the city irrespective of denomination