Dreams & Realities
I had the privilege of attending the Dreams and Realities portrait exhibition held at Brunswick Methodist Church on Saturday May 11th. The event started with the joyful and powerful voices of the Newcastle Phoenix Choir, learn more about them and how to support their work here. They welcome singers from all backgrounds with the simple mission to give their members an uplifting experience through singing and socializing. I can attest to how truly uplifting it was to listen and enjoy their skilled and lively performance.
This was followed by a panel discussion, hosted by Niall Cooper from Church Action on Poverty, featuring the voices of local people speaking to their experience and encounter with frontline poverty where they live.
On display throughout this event was the powerful exhibition by Artist Stephen Martin depicting nine individuals living on the frontline of poverty. Each picture shows the person, something that depicts their economic reality, and something that represents the dreams and ambitions they would pursue if they were not held back by poverty and unjust systems. I was struck by how simple many of the dreams were (warm housing, pursuing a hobby, going to school) in the face of the barriers they faced (affording bus fare or electricity or sufficient food). Surely these cannot be the issues facing people today?
It emphasizes the importance of campaigns like Let's End Poverty, a national movement committed to bringing poverty-related issues to the forefront of the national political agenda in the lead-up to the next general election. Check out their website for ways that your church or Churches Together group can get involved.
Closing out the event was the Pedalers Band, sending us off with beautiful folk songs and inspiring us to go and listen for these stories and address these barriers in our own neighbourhoods, churches and communities.

(Photos of the Newcastle Phoenix Choir and the Pedalers band)